Understanding the Dangers of Overwork: Lessons from Japan’s ‘Kuroshi’

The article discusses the phenomenon of ‘Kuroshi’ or ‘death by overwork’ in Japan, linking it to the global issue of work addiction. It offers insights into the serious physical and mental consequences of overwork, from malnourishment to cardiovascular issues. The article also underscores the need for action to address this issue.

The Rising Tide of Work Addiction: An Examination of Causes and Effects

The research article delves into the increasing prevalence of work addiction, its causes, and its far-reaching impacts. It highlights the pressures of society and management practices as significant contributors to work addiction. The article also discusses the health implications of work addiction, from sleep disruption to severe physical consequences, and its damaging effects on families.

The Global Study on Work Addiction: Insights and Implications

The article explores the findings of a global study on work addiction spanning 60 countries, which is the largest of its kind. It emphasizes the varying prevalence rates of work addiction across countries, the higher risk among women, and the role of management pressure in fostering work addiction. The article also discusses the health and […]